So your child has been identified as a gifted learner, pt 1 . . .
Dec 28, 2017
You thought it might be true, but you weren't sure. You thought your child may be a gifted learner. As it turns out, you were right. So now what?
Well . . . Let me just put this out there right from the outset. Since your child has been identified as a gifted learner . . . don't be that parent.
You know which one . . .
In our first session of gifted and talented, the students and I talk about what it means to be identified for the gifted and talented program. We talk about how they were identified and what their responsibilities entail (more on that in later blogs). There are social considerations as well--even in 2nd grade. Part of learning social skills is what NOT to do and what NOT to say . . . that is, if keeping friends is important.
We make it clear. We reach an agreement. We don't ever want to be that kid who says, "Well, I'm in Gifted and Talented, blah blah blah . . . I have a special class, blah blah blah . . . I get to go to the GATE room, blah blah blah . . . look at the cool project I got to make . . . look at how special I am!"
We use little posters with quotes on them to spur discussion (the collection is free and found here). One of my favorites is "Nobody really cares how amazing you are. They do, however, care if you are a kind person."
The kids get this. They don't want to be that kid.
We love our children. We're proud of them. We're thrilled at the opportunities they have. We want the best for them. Yet . . . let's not be that parent.